Le chocolat


Well it’s a good thing that I will be running the Paris Marathon in April because three of the things that I consume the most of in France are Nutella crêpes, hot chocolate, and fresh bread. I have never been a coffee person. Back at BC I usually eat a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and then head to class without the coffee cup which can be seen in the typical American college student’s hand. Here in Paris, coffee is enjoyed. I rarely see people drinking their coffee in a disposable cup while on the go. Paris is known for the corner cafés where people sit, sip slowly on warm beverages, and people watch. When you are a customer in a French café, the server never rushes you. In fact, they usually don’t bring the bill until you ask for it. Often, my friends and I will grab a table at one of the many cafés along the streets and sit for over an hour while we use the free Wi-Fi, discuss travel plans, and share stories of our experiences so far. Since I have never liked coffee (I drank it once when I accidentally took night-time cough medicine and I almost went to the infirmary because I thought I had a caffeine overdose) I prefer to drink chocolat chaud. Often I splurge for the chocolat viennois, which is hot chocolate with whip cream. 





So far my favorite hot chocolate spot is Angelina’s. However, the price of the hot chocolate at this luxurious tearoom is over 8 euros! Therefore I must settle for the less expensive yet still delicious cafés and patisseries throughout Paris.

Not only do I love liquid hot chocolate, but I also think that the chocolate pastries in Paris are to live for. My absolute favorite treat is a big chocolate macaroon. My host mother is an excellent baker and often makes chocolate macaroons with ganache filling and raspberry macaroons with homemade raspberry jam. They are tricky to make but I hope to learn how to bake these before I return home! 



The other day, I walked past the local bakery on my way home from class and I treated my self to a chocolate meringue. (Mom- you would have loved every bite!)



I am also a HUGE fan of the Nutella crepes. There are many stands on the streets where I can buy a Nutella crepe on the go. The Nutella is so warm and I am always sad when I get to the last bite. Here is a picture of me and my friend Sabrina with our crepes after we ate a delicious lunch of escargots and ham sandwiches. 







The cheapest snack to have in Paris is a baguette! I often go to la boulangerie and pick up half of a baguette for .50 centimes. Thank you Coco for the beautiful sac that I use to carry my bread! 



Tonight I am going to dinner in Le Marais with an old friend named Johanna. It is a trendy district with lots of bars, good restaurants and fashionable stores. Get ready for some more food pictures next week! 

P.S. Peanut butter is very expensive here- 9.50 for one jar! This is unfortunate for a pb&j lover like me. 


1 thought on “Le chocolat

  1. Mommy

    ‘All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.’
    Charles M. Schulz.
    Keep the posts coming they are wonderful to read! xoxo


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